Time for a bitter of wintery vintage

I’m just about to head out for an afternoon in London (Meeting up with some of my friends from Leeds for a catch up in Camden, followed by fireworks in Bethnal Green this evening), but had 15 minutes to kill before I need to leave, so thought I would take a few quick snaps of my outfit today.


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I’m wearing one of my failsafe (and very few that I actually own) winter vintage dresses, this one is by Marie Phillips (I also wore it in this post from absolutely yonks ago– looking at this post again is making me wish I had long hair again!). It is such a comfy dress to wear. I am wearing it with Russell and Bromley black patent brogues (that cost the princely sum of £10 from ebay) and one of my favourite Tatty Devine necklaces.


As you can see in this close up I have a rather nice new lipstick, the colour is “red hot” by Clinique. I actually saw someone with it on Instagram, and had to have it despite the fact that this meant having to get it shipped from the States!



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To finish off the outfit I am wearing a black Warehouse coat that must be about 4 or 5 years old by now and my bag is a Caro Nan box bag with playing cards painted on it. I love ANYTHING playing cards, but this is particularly fun.

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Vintage fairs and evening fun

i just wanted to share what I got up to last weekend weekend, as it was a delightful time I had.

On Satuday evening i went to Fleur and Bethan’s birthday party. As I have a smashed iphone I couldn’t take any pics while I was there, but I did maange a couple of pics of my outfit before I left.

The skirt is particularly amazing. It is an original 50s items and has an insanely full skirt printed with bows in black and gold. The printing techniques are interesting, with the gold “overprinted” on the surface. I’ve never seen a skirt printed like this before! I wore it with an ancient black topshop blouse that I must have had for 6 years or so!

The night was lovely, particularly because I got to see my friend Jayne (from great lifestyle and beauty blog Jayne’s kitschen) this pic is stolen from her! Jayne and I used to work together back in Leeds over 3 years ago,  it was amazing to get the chance to catch up and shows what a small world it is!

On Sunday it was Farnham Malting vintage fair. Here I had a stall selling some of my vintage wares, particularly popular were the stunning Rhona Roy and Victor Josselyn dresses I had, these will be coming to ebay soon!

The day wasn’t just about selling, it was also about buying. I managed to buy just three items in the end, i was tempted to buy SO much more though. The fair had a great selection of both vintage and homemade items from a real variety of periods too.

The shoes came from another lovely Liz (of thewasherwoman.blogspot.co.uk) she had some of the most sensational shoes I have ever seen. It took great restraint to buy just one pair as they fitted me like a dream.

The hat came from a stall I forgot to take the name of (i think it might have been Carinsbrooke vintage?). The stallholders daughter was also one of the beautiful models in the fashion show.

I also bought this fab Laura Ashley maxi dress from the same stall. It’s an original 70s item and has an amazing hunting look novelty print.

On the day I also gave a talk about collecting, and compered the fashion show. I really enjoyed the day I have to say!

Big thanks to Fiona for inviting me along to come and do the talk and show!

My final farewell to Leeds

So, its over.

This is probably one of the most emotional posts I’ve ever written. Not strictly what I normally write about, but I feel it is a must.
Today after four of the craziest years of my life I said my final farewell to Leeds. I honestly can’t quite believe that my undergraduate degree and my life as a student of the University of Leeds has come to an end. I actually finished my degree way back in mid may but I’ve still been in the good city of Leeds since.
I remember way back in 2008 when I started my degree and hating it more than I can possibly explain, there were so many occasions when I wanted to quit (mostly because I felt I couldn’t do my course) but I am so glad that I stuck it out.  If I hadn’t done my course I would have never done my year in industry and worked out my true vocation. I think the year out I had changed me for the better, and if anyone else out there is currently on a design based degree I can not recommend it highly enough. Everyone I know who did a year in industry benefitted from it immeasurably and not only that came back focused and ready for their final year.
I have to say a huge thank you to people for making the last four years so amazing, girls from my course, friends I’ve made along the way, tutors, everyone. There’s certainly been good times, and also horrendously bad times but I’ve come out of this experience knowing what I want to do with my life and having made some (what I hope will be) lifelong friends.
The biggest thanks though probably has to go to my housemates who I’ve lived with this year. Ally, Derms, Janet and Vic have helped to make final year of uni an amazing experience and also the year in which I FINALLY truly enjoyed being in Leeds. I have to say an especially big thank you to Vic. Poor girl has had to deal with a lot from me (I’ll never forget her birthday in second year when she looked after me when I was hysterically crying under the kitchen table- true friendship there). Not only have we done the same course but we’ve also lived together throughout the three years I spent studying in Leeds.
I honestly can’t believe I wont be living with these ladies anymore they are four of my best friends and also four of the most amazing people I know. 2 superbly talented fashion students ( the pride i felt watching Vix and Janets clothes go down the catwalk of the uni fashion show…oh my), one textile student (whose knit designs are simply top notch) and one law student who is perhaps one of the best cooks i know (Ally if it all goes tits up you can come and be my personal cook : )).It gets me all emotional just thinking about the fact i’ve left, I’ve loved not only spending this year living with them but also the fantastic house we lived in in Woodhouse (we had the sweetest landlord ever). I know I’ve been a pain with my hideous messiness over the year and the fact that my vintage clothing seems to explode EVERYWHERE within the house so thank goodness they have put up with me for this long.

                                                                 Sorry for the mess guys

And now a few particularly funny photographic highlights from life in Leeds.
First year
My housemates back in first year.

A picture for comic value. I can’t believe i used to wear skirts this short and tight sometimes!

The infamous night where I headbutted my wall and put a hole in it.

2nd year

Not strictly in Leeds, but the somewhat legendary chin bruise I encountered.

Final year

So now onwards and upwards. Leeds you’ve been great.