Nutty for Novelty

When it comes to buying Horrockses i have some kind of weird radar. I can spot one straight off, I don’t have to touch it, it’s just a case of having bought over 90 (gulp. I feel a bit sick to say I have bought that many…although a few have been sold along the way!) I just know them instinctively. That radar was blinking at its best this week when I turned up this delight (It was so cheap I still can’t get over it).


I snapped it on my manni for full effect. The matching bolero is quite cute and it also has pockets on the hips (I love a good pocket on the hips, perf. for making your waist look smaller)



I knew the print too, having remembered seeing it amongst John French photographs previously. This means the dress can be dated to 1956.


I actually ended up wearing the dress out last night as my Mum was up from Hampshire for the weekend. I snapped a few quick pics on my pretty snaz new iphone (gahhh new technology!) before I went out. I actually shared the dress on my instagram last night too (come and follow me on instagram too, I am @liztregenza)

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The graphic quality of the design means it is more difficult to ascertain the designer, but if I had to put money on it I would say it is a Joyce Badrocke design as it reminds me a little of a sketchy pink print I have seen by her.

I also recently acquired this Horrockses thanks to my friend Holly. We like to keep an eye out for each other when we are at fairs/ markets and the like so when she text me with this number the only answer was Yes please!




The print explains the title of this post, oh my, I love a pun (sorry it really is terrible).

I took a few quick snaps of it on too (sorry about my face, i had just cycled home from work when I took the pictures- the dress is also incredibly creased because it has been in a suitcase for the past two weeks!)



The print is definitely a Pat Albeck, I suspect it originally had a little matching jacket like the one seen in the Horrockses exhibition. Although, perhaps not as mine is not the same cream shade, but is in fact a very subtle pink with a matching more “blush” pink sash. I’m not 100% on the date of this, but I would think ’55 ish.

What I quite like from the Horrockses exhibition is that behind this dress you have one of Albeck’s fruit designs. Similar to that in my Horrockses.


Hope you like my new finds : )

It’s getting a bit cold outside…

Sorry I’ve been a bit quiet on the old blog of late. I’m writing a book at the moment (gulp) and working every hour God sends at the two museums who employ me to try and scrape together the funds to pay for the second year of my masters course. An exciting post to come about vintage and sizing, but for now….LOOK AT ALL THE PRETTY THINGS I AM SELLING!

This week I have some lovely bits and bobs up on both Etsy and Ebay.

New to etsy are some zingy bright 50s dresses, almost all of which are in a size 12 or 14.


50s autumnal dress. Size 8-10.


50s French print dress. Size 12-14. 


50s black and white check dress. Size 12.


50s deadstock housecoat. Size 8 to 10.

Visit my etsy store here

Over on ebay I’ve gone all wintry. If you want a coat, I’ve got one for you! Lots of fab coats from 30s through to 90s. Personal highlights include


An amazing 70s leather number with mink collar


Fabulous early 90s with a 30s hint by Laura Ashley


Gorgeous green wool coat with check backed collar

And if you lurvvvve check I also have two great kilts for sale


D&G basic mini kilt


Moffat weavers kilt

After a little suit for Autumn winter? I have those too


Fur trimmed 50s suit


Berketex couture wiggle suit


Alexon Young Set 4 piece suit

You can view all current ebay listings here. Get your bids in quick, when these are gone, they’re gone!

Finding “real” dresses in Vogue

Last week I got down to a very important section of my research for my MA dissertation that involved looking at every copy of British Vogue from 1945 to 1960. I haven’t quite got through them all yet, but I have managed the bulk!

My research turned up some interesting ideas/ adverts that will feed into my dissertation but also some fascinating images relating to Horrockses. I’ve been fastidious with keeping a record of any dresses from my collection that were advertised in the magazine, but on this look through I turned up three images that relate to pieces I own.


First off this image

In this fashion sketch you can just about make out the giraffe print. I believe this is the same print that features on a dress from my personal collection. I had always suspected it dated between roughly 1952 and 1955, but this confirms that the dress dates to 1952. (featured in Vogue June 1952)

The caption reads as follows “Serene sightseer…gay, cool and appropriate all day in a red cotton print skirt, sleeveless black jersey, print scarf eith black reverse- wear it alternatively as a tiny shawl. By Horrockses, £7 19s.

I’ve seen the skirt version of this print in green before, so I am assuming this is what the editorial relates to.


And here is the dress itself! I will soon have some better pics of this dress (I had it photographed last week) but this is a quick snap of it I took before it was repaired.

You can see this dress in further posts here and here (I’m wearing it in the second of these posts, but I’ll be honest I was feeling a *tad* worse for wear when these pictures were taken!)

And here is another dress I turned up in Vogue.


Here is the original editorial.


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Here is the dress. I think the print is probably by Graham Sutherland. Sadly my example of this print has seen better days, the fabric under the arms is very thin, and perhaps beyond repair…if anyone thinks it can be tackled though do give me a shout. I’ve actually had this dress around 4 years now but have never shared it on the blog before owing to its poor condition.

Scan 5

Interestingly you can see that the print also features in the Horrockses book, although you only see a tiny sliver of the fabric in the book, which does not even slightly convey how exciting the print is in reality. I think this whole design must have been an exclusive for Liberty because both the book and Vogue state it as an exclusive despite the two dress designs being slightly different.

And finally do you remember my excitement after I purchased this number the other week?



Well, I found this featured in Vogue too! (sorry about my bra straps in the second picture, eugh, pet hate).


Here it is featured in february 1954. It was priced at 4gns, which for a Horrockses was actually very cheap (most were 6gns minimum) I have to admit that the construction of this one isn’t as good as many of my other Horrockses aree, which maybe accounts as to why the price was much lower.