Vintage fairs and evening fun

i just wanted to share what I got up to last weekend weekend, as it was a delightful time I had.

On Satuday evening i went to Fleur and Bethan’s birthday party. As I have a smashed iphone I couldn’t take any pics while I was there, but I did maange a couple of pics of my outfit before I left.

The skirt is particularly amazing. It is an original 50s items and has an insanely full skirt printed with bows in black and gold. The printing techniques are interesting, with the gold “overprinted” on the surface. I’ve never seen a skirt printed like this before! I wore it with an ancient black topshop blouse that I must have had for 6 years or so!

The night was lovely, particularly because I got to see my friend Jayne (from great lifestyle and beauty blog Jayne’s kitschen) this pic is stolen from her! Jayne and I used to work together back in Leeds over 3 years ago,  it was amazing to get the chance to catch up and shows what a small world it is!

On Sunday it was Farnham Malting vintage fair. Here I had a stall selling some of my vintage wares, particularly popular were the stunning Rhona Roy and Victor Josselyn dresses I had, these will be coming to ebay soon!

The day wasn’t just about selling, it was also about buying. I managed to buy just three items in the end, i was tempted to buy SO much more though. The fair had a great selection of both vintage and homemade items from a real variety of periods too.

The shoes came from another lovely Liz (of she had some of the most sensational shoes I have ever seen. It took great restraint to buy just one pair as they fitted me like a dream.

The hat came from a stall I forgot to take the name of (i think it might have been Carinsbrooke vintage?). The stallholders daughter was also one of the beautiful models in the fashion show.

I also bought this fab Laura Ashley maxi dress from the same stall. It’s an original 70s item and has an amazing hunting look novelty print.

On the day I also gave a talk about collecting, and compered the fashion show. I really enjoyed the day I have to say!

Big thanks to Fiona for inviting me along to come and do the talk and show!

This weeks ebay highlights!

As summer comes to a close I couldn’t resist one last week of super summery listings ( i think I was hugely inspired by the gorgeous weather we have had!).

View all this weeks listings here!

Here are a few of the wonderful summery highlights on offer.

1950s floral print Linzi line dress

Lilac rose print full skirt

Crazy greek urn novelty print skirt

50s deadstock swimsuit

50s Rhona Roy floral garden dress

Not only that but I also took this as an opportunity to list some very rare pieces too. Including some amazing pre 1940s items.

Superb 1920s celluloid cherry handle bag

1890s greenery yallery skirt

40s poppy print dress

40s cc41 blouse

30s white silk blouse

View all this weeks listings here

Investigating Sportaville

So, The latest acquisition to my vintage collection is this COMPLETELY crazy novelty print skirt. O.k. so it is a bit immature, but that kind of makes me love it more.

The skirt is by the brand Sportaville, and I actually have a number of pieces by this brand (5 skirts and a pair of shorts if memory serves me correctly). But this is one of those brands that I know almost nothing about, yet I am completely intrigued by. I have trawled the internet on numerous occasions trying to find out more about the brand and have come up with almost nothing, bar details on a seemingly unrelated company that started in the 1980s. The quality of their garments is fantastic though, and each of the pieces I have had has been fantastically made, suggesting to me that these were expensive pieces in there day. Not only that Sportaville garments seem to use some of the wackiest most imaginative prints I have seen. All of the garments in my collection certainly are a bit mad, and any I’ve seen but not managed to acquire have been equally crazy (wine labels, records, galleon ships and townscapes are amongst some of the themes)

 My fist sportaville skirt bought for the princely sum of £5 if memory serves me correctly way back in 2007 or 2008 it has “confetti” by Sportaville printed around the hem too

My Sportaville shorts. These provide a great talking point when drunk as they are covered in shipping signals. I always find it hilarious to read my shorts to people. The best one to say when drunk though has to be “I have sprung a leak and require immediate assistance”. Ho ho ho.

What i find even MORE intriguing is that they seem to have been using some of the same fabrics as Blanes.  This skirt sold by tasty vintage features the IDENTICAL print to a Blanes dress from my collection. The description of the fabric suggests that even this was the same. Now, the question is, where the two companies related, or as i think is more likely did one copy the others prints?

Sportaville skirt from Tasty vintage ( no longer available)

My Blanes dress…look familiar?

So, do you know anything more about Sportaville? If so please do get in contact, I am totally fascinated by the brand and would love a bit more information about who was designing these fabulous prints.