New listings this week

In the next couple of weeks I am going listing CRAZY. I have over 100 items of vintage goodness to delight your eyes this month- and just as many (if not more!) coming up for you in November too when the Christmas season really gets going.

See all of the current ebay listings here

Some of this week’s highlights include:

This INCREDIBLE original 1950s novelty print circle skirt with everything going on…ever.

A superb late 50s early 60s mustard yellow wiggle dress

The cutest kids 40s or 50s Mexican souvenir jacket

A number of great vintage Laura Ashley dress that are just oh so perfect for Autumn/ Winter

 See all of this weeks listings here

Annnndddd…A couple of totally mad original 70s jumpsuits.

See all of the current ebay listings here

I'd love to hear your thoughts...